
Mies van der Rohe Award 2021: Bavarian nomination

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The Alois Goldhofer Foundation's daycare center in Memmingen, which will be completed in 2019 and designed by heilergeiger architekten in collaboration with Latz Partner, has been nominated as one of seven finalist projects for Germany in the race for the EU Architecture Prize.

© Nicolas Felder

© Nicolas Felder

The concept of the daycare center follows the Reggio pedagogy, which gives the children a lot of freedom to explore their environment and develop their skills. And, as the German Architects' Journal writes, among other things it also coined the now common phrase about space as the "third educator".

The building concept was also oriented towards the Reggio idea, in that it dealt with the existing structure in a strength-oriented manner. Central themes here were the handling of already used and recycled materials. Since then, the children have been able to experience their social and ecological values in a practical and tangible way. This is especially true in the open space, which, in addition to many opportunities for movement, offers various experimental fields and garden plots that - structured by recycled elements of the existing conversion - give free rein to the imagination and creativity.

The project has been nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2020 and is shortlisted for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2021.

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