
Rooted in Clay, Flussgespräche © Prof. Dietmar Straub, Straub Thurmayr Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner, Winnipeg / Kanada

4th bdla Planting Planner Days on 19 and 20 May 2021 online.

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With the increasing density of cities, advancing climate change and growing interest in greening buildings, the use of plants is currently becoming increasingly important in landscape architecture. This is accompanied by an increasing interest in and recognition of the need to strengthen planning competence with regard to the potential of plants and vegetation.

On 19 and 20 May 2021, the 4th bdla Planting Planners' Days will provide an overview of essential developments in the planning of woody and herbaceous plantings in six lectures.

The event, which will take place online via Cisco Webex, is aimed at landscape architects in planning offices and public authorities, as well as professionals in horticulture, landscaping and the nursery industry.


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