"A new start together on the LEP now!" - Open appeal for a modern and binding regional development programme in Bavaria.
The hearing on the update of the regional development programme will start soon.
At a press conference on June 16, 2021, the partners of the initiatives Wege zu einem besseren LEP (Paths to a Better LEP ) and the Offenen Appells für ein zukunftsfestes Bayern (Open Appeal for a Bavaria Fit for the Future ) presented an 6-point plan for a sustainable Bavaria which would like to invite politicians, associations, municipalities and citizens to work together on the transformative possibilities of state development, to shape them and also to learn from each other.
Climate change, digitalization, equal living conditions and spatial justice are identified as key issues. The partners of the initiatives call for a fundamental rethinking of state development and not to limit it to individual fields of action. A successful transformation requires a comprehensive spatial concept for Bavaria that spans all topics and departments. The State Development Program 2021 is a central element in shaping climate-friendly and equal development in urban and rural areas. The initiatives also propose a binding spatial planning clause in the Bavarian Climate Protection Act. This could be a first important step towards strengthening regional development. The partners in the initiative are consciously seeking to close ranks with today's younger generation. Because not least also the desires and needs of the today young generation play an important role with generation justice to the land development.
Information for members of the press
- Recording: The press conference with all contributions and video messages was recorded on the YouTube channel of the PresseClub München e. V. (https://www.youtube.com/c/PresseClubMünchen-e-V) and is still available there after the event.
- Free press photos of the event can be requested from 13.00 at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . - Further information: The recording for the conference "What can the LEP contribute to a future-proof Bavaria?" from 19 April 2021 is available at https://www.byak.de/aktuelles/newsdetail/lep-fuer-ein-zukunftsfestes-bayern.html.
- Contact and contact person: Bavarian Chamber of Architects, Alexandra Seemüller, Press and Public Relations Officer, phone: 089-139 880-39, e-mail:
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