The bdla Bavaria is engaged for years in the initiative ways to a better LEP and fully supports the open appeal for a future-proof Bavaria.
On the occasion of the partial update of the regional development program (LEP) Bavaria after resolution of the Bavarian Council of Ministers of 14.12.2021 the bdla Bavaria referred up-to-date again to the topic.
The full text of the statement dated March 30, 2022 can be found here: pdf Statement of the bdla Bavaria on the partial update of the LEP Bavaria after the decision of the Bavarian Council of Ministers of 14.12.2021. (166 KB)
About the LEP
Land development planning is a central task of the state government, in Bavaria summarized in the Landesentwicklungsprogramm (LEP). The first LEP of 1976 was groundbreaking - far beyond Bavaria's borders. In the meantime, state planning has been scaled back to a more tracking and additive rather than a planning, steering and integrating instrument.
In the opinion of bdla Bayern, the LEP, which has been in force since 2013, disappoints as a guideline for a sustainable Bavaria, lacks a clear concept, coordination and creative power for the sustainable development of Bavaria and here in particular for the protection and further development of the Bavarian cultural landscape as well as a high-quality spatial structure.
A new spatial concept for Bavaria is overdue in the view of the professional association. Urgent future issues such as affordable housing and compact settlement development, vibrant centers and sustainable mobility, biodiversity, climate protection and adaptation, energy transition, land conservation and open space protection require a reliable framework for an overall, strategically shaping regional planning!
About the initiative Ways to a better LEP
Out of social responsibility, the planning professions, including the bdla Bavaria, as well as academies and organizations of landscape, environmental and monument protection, civic and church organizations came together under the leadership of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning (DASL) to form the initiative "Ways to a better LEP for Bavaria" and are working persistently and with the greatest commitment for this.
The joint statement of the initiative and further information on all activities can be found at
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