In June / July 2022, the digital training series of the bdla Bavaria turns to the new tasks in open space planning. The date on July 26 (inclusion) unfortunately has to be postponed due to illness, an alternative date is being planned.

Experts each explained a complex of topics on a Tuesday date, followed by a discussion.
The participation fee comprises a lecture of about one hour followed by a discussion. It amounts to € 25 for members of the bdla and the VGL, for non-members € 50 per lecture. For students the participation is free of charge.
The link to participate in the digital training as well as instructions for the conference tool GoTo Meeting will be sent by e-mail one day before the event.
June 14, 2022, 6:00 pm - Alexander Ahlers / a2 Landscape Architects: Construction management of open spaces / traffic facilities - through specialization to a successfully realized project.
Alexander Ahlers of a2 Landschaftsarchitekten reports how the office became a sought-after planning partner / service provider in the field of construction management for open spaces / traffic facilities by specializing in a sub-area of the scope of services, how it professionally supports clients and planning partners in the technical planning phases and successfully brings their projects to completion.
June 28, 6:00 p.m. - Andrea Frank / BEM Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner: Species protection in object planning - an overview.
The lecture gives an insight into the concerns of species protection that have to be considered in object planning. Legal principles, scheduling and professional standards will be explained. Typical species and cases will be presented.
July 19, 2022, 18:00 - Martin Mendel undamp; Stefanie Vilsmeier / Burkhardt | Engelmayer | Mendel Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner : Flooding proof according to DIN 1986-100 - Overview from the perspective of landscape architect:inside.
Increasingly frequent extreme weather events are bringing the topic of flood protection more and more into the focus of building owners and planners. The BEM office gives an overview of its experience with the processing of flood proofs. Aspects such as the background of standards, responsibilities, commissioning, concrete procedures and measures are shown by means of examples.
The date has to be cancelled due to illness, an alternative date is being planned! - July 26, 2022, 6:00pm - Claudius Veser / Keller Damm Colleagues: Open Space Without Borders - Movement and Inclusion in Landscape Architecture.
Especially in a dynamic world, where mobility is constantly subject to new challenges and increasing speed, no human being should miss out. Topographical hurdles and the confrontation with different types of traffic are a constant companion especially in open space planning and essential to consider in the planning. The task of landscape architecture is not only to consider functional aspects, but also to offer sophisticated design solutions.
The office Keller Damm Kollegen would like to give an overview and share experiences, which forms of design are possible, which standards of accessibility apply and show possible scenarios by means of examples.
Organizer: bdla Bayern in cooperation with VGL Bayern
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0