The bdla Bavaria revives the colleague meeting originally initiated and organized by Markus Schaef under the name LAwalks.
In the first edition, we take a look together at the Baumkirchen Mitte project in Munich. Johannes Kruck and Cyril Dejonghe from the office mahl-gebhard-konzepte will guide through the area and give an insight into the planning and implementation of the multiple award-winning project (main prize Bavarian Landscape Architecture Award 2020 as well as award in the category residential environment; award in the category landscape and environmental planning / landscape experience at the German Landscape Architecture Award 2021).
After the guided tour we will end the evening together in a beer garden nearby. In order to be able to plan and organize better, we ask you to register for the guided tour as well as for the social gathering afterwards.
LAwalks #1 - Baumkirchen Mitte
Date: Thursday, July 14,
Meeting point: 6:30 p.m., at the golden pavilion in Hermann-Weinhauser-Strasse 43
Registration: by Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at
Inquiries: Nicole M. Meier; by email to
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0