
Survey on ExistingBuildingGreen (BeGG)

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The Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG) is seeking support for the "BestandsGebäudeGrün (BeGG)" project funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development.

The project aims to create qualified procedures and instructions for the subsequent implementation of green roofs and facades in existing buildings (commercial and private housing). With the help of checklists, implementation examples and planning aids, interested parties, planners and contractors should be able to check whether and which type of building greening and system (roof or façade greening) can be implemented, what needs to be taken into account and what costs can be expected.

The most important points worthy of attention are to be determined from the experience of those involved in the construction and through data collection from various research and surveys, described in detail with regard to subsequent greening and, if possible, backed up with cost guide values. In addition, best-practice examples are to prove the feasibility and provide suggestions.

To the survey

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