The two-part, digital training block of the bdla Bavaria in April 2023 is dedicated to the topic "Soil - legal framework for the handling of soil material".
Experts explain a range of topics on one date, followed by a discussion.
The participation fee usually includes a one-hour lecture followed by a discussion. For members of the bdla and the VGL, the fee is € 25, for non-members € 50 per lecture. Participation is free of charge for students.
The link to participate in the digital training and information on the conference tool GoTo Meeting will be sent by e-mail a few days before the event.
Holger Seit / Lawyer: Excavated soil - waste or resource?
Monday, April 17, 2023, 4:00 - 7:00 pm
New legal framework for dealing with soil material: Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV) and Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV 2023) - practical knowledge for landscape architects
On August 1, 2023, two federal ordinances will come into force with the Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV) and the amended Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV), which will replace the previously applicable state regulations on the recycling of excavated soil and construction waste. The regulations frequently used as a basis for assessment in practice - such as LAGA Communication 20 and the "Technical Rules for Soil" - will cease to apply when the new EBV comes into force.
This also affects the recycling of soil material in earthworks, road, path and rail construction (EBV) and the use of soil material in all soil-like applications, such as in gardening and landscaping, backfilling and recultivation of quarries and soil improvements in the agricultural sector (BBodSchV). The implementation of the new requirements poses major challenges for planners of gardening, landscaping and construction measures.
The approx. 2-hour online seminar provides an overview of the new legal requirements for handling excavated soil, introduces the system of the new Mantelverordnung (EBV and BBodSchV) and provides practical tips for planning, tendering and implementation.
Johannes Prügl / Bodeninstitut Prügl: Recycling excavated soil - practical pitfalls
Monday, April 24, 2023, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
A lot has changed in the sampling, analysis and evaluation of excavated soil due to the new Mantelverordnung (contains, among other things, the new Ersatzbaustoffverordnung-EBV and the new Bundes-Bodenschutzverordnung-BBodSchV).
In this presentation, the effects on the practice of landscaping (especially with regard to topsoil, subsoil, vegetation support layers and "rootable soil layers") will be shown and possible pitfalls for offices will be discussed.
Organizer: bdla Bayern in cooperation with VGL Bayern
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0