
Young Talent Award 2022 of the bdla Bavaria

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The final theses in Bavaria 2022 chosen by bdla Bavaria have been determined. The awards recognize bachelor's and master's theses at Bavarian universities that are outstanding and/or groundbreaking for the profession of landscape architecture.

In her final thesis at the Technical University of Munich, award winner Aimee Neff dealt with the topic of climate change using the example of a South African coastal city, here in particular the threat of rising sea levels, increasing drought, and risks of flooding and forest fires.

How the potentials of the Hof- und Herzoggarten Landshut could be used more in the future and how the functional areas could be reorganized is shown by the prize winners Veronika Herrmann and Aurelia Ibach in their final thesis at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.

Further information on the award-winning work can be found here: Bavaria 2022 Young Talent Award

The works will be officially presented at the General Meeting 2023 of bdla Bavaria on March 24 in Nuremberg.


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