
Austrian Hans Hollein Art Award goes to Auböck Kárász Landscape Architects

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The winner of this year's Hans Hollein Art Award for Architecture of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sports is the office of Auböck Kárász Landscape Architects, Vienna. The award has been presented annually since 2016.

This year's award marks an opening of the prize in the direction of landscape and urban design. According to the justification: "In the context of the climate crisis, architecture faces the challenge of creating high-quality spaces for people and nature and opening up new forms of dialog between them.

Among other things, the award recognizes the great design precision with which the office enriches urban planning with ecological issues and in this way expands the design and action horizons of architecture.

It goes on to say: "Maria Auböck and János Kárász stand for a sovereign, far-sighted and theoretically sound practice. Tasks are rethought, contexts are precisely analyzed, projects are seen as development processes,
change is made possible. Their comprehensive perspective is more than ever necessary and essential."

The bdla Bavaria congratulates its member Maria Auböck and her office on this special award.

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