The Bavarian Chamber of Architects has designed a series of seminars that are of particular interest to landscape architects and are held in cooperation with the bdla Bayern.
All the training courses listed below take place online. As a member of bdla Bayern, you will receive reduced participation fees.
Details on the seminars can be found on our dates page and on the Academy page of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects.
- Flood proof on 02.05.2024 and 18.10.2024
- Building greening on the roof and building envelope on 03.05.2024 and 22.11.2024
- Avoiding structural damage: Planning and execution of outdoor facilities - vegetation technology on 07.06.2024
- BIM in landscape architecture on 12.06.2024 and 13.11.2024
- Green city of the future - climate-resilient districts on 11.07.2024
- Rainwater management and building greening on 12.07.2024
- Competition and sustainability on 19.09.2024
- Cost planning and tendering of outdoor facilities and open spaces according to the current DIN 276 with the BKI construction cost database on 25.09.2024
- Waste and disposal law for construction projects - practical knowledge for architects and landscape architects on 26.09.2024 and 23.01.2025
- BIM in-depth course in accordance with the BIM standard of the German Chambers of Architects and Engineers (modules 2-4), from 18.10.2024 - 07.02.2025
- Use of plants in the living environment on 19.10.2024
- Excavated soil as a resource - The new Substitute Building Materials Ordinance and Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (Mantelverordnung) in construction practice on 20.11.2024
- Construction implementation in landscape architecture: Acceptance and liability for defects in plants on 23.11.2024
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0