
Concern for nature: innovative landscape planning

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With this year's focus year "Innovative Landscape Planning", the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) is creating more attention for landscape planning and a forum for discussion on new planning solutions through various events and a focus issue of the publication ANLiegen Natur.

The focus issue of ANLiegen-Natur contains eleven articles on the topic. Among others, Monika Geiß (Bayerischer Städtetag), Stefan Graf (Bayerischer Gemeindetag) and Dr. Johannes Gnädinger (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen Bayern) explain in the interview "Landschaftsplan auf Frühjahrskur" how important the landscape plan will become in the future for key issues such as climate adaptation, renewable energies and biotope networks and what role the model project Landscape Planning in Bavaria - Municipal and Innovative initiated by bdla Bayern plays.

© Klaus Leidorf

© Klaus Leidorf

The landscape plan on the digital platform must become a matter of course ...

But we also need to examine the means and content of the digital presentation to promote awareness and the will to do things.

Dr. Johannes Gnädinger

The article can be read directly here (PDF).

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