
Bavarian Landscape Architecture Prize: Award ceremony on September 27

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The Bavarian Landscape Architecture Prize 2024 is entering the home straight. You can find out more about the winners at the award ceremony on September 27 at the Landesgartenschau Kirchheim near Munich. Register until September 19!

© Nicole M. Meier

© Nicole M. Meier

The projects selected by an expert jury for the shortlist for the Bavarian Landscape Architecture Prize 2024 have been announced since July 8, 2024. To the nominations.

Public voting
The public award is new in the 2024 edition of the competition. All interested parties were able to vote on the projects shortlisted by the expert jury until August 23, 2024 to determine the Audience Award.

Award ceremony
All information about the award ceremony on September 27, 2024 at the State Garden Show in Kirchheim near Munich, including a guided tour of the State Garden Show, can be found here.
To the registration form

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