Our junior spokespersons - currently Britta Bunz, Veronika Klotz, Daniel Hildebrandt and Thorge Mattuschka - know the needs of the students and can mediate and answer open questions at the interface between university and professional world.
They are involved as junior spokespersons in the regional association, advocate for the interests of the juniors in bdla Bavaria and actively support the junior work of the Bavarian regional association.
Chairman bdla Bayern / Head of WG Landscape + City
Tel: (0 89) 36 04 03 30
2. Chairwoman bdla Bayern / Head of AG bdla-Preis Bayern / Head of AG Cultural Treasure Planning Heritage Bayern
Tel: (0 81 61) 2 34 63 65
Member of the Board bdla Bayern / Head of AG Ökonomie Bayern
Tel: (0 81 61) 8 62 16 20
Member of the board bdla Bavaria / Head of AG Impulses
Tel: (0 89) 54 80 98 97
Treasurer bdla Bayern
Tel: (089) 82 08 78 59 11
Our junior spokespersons know the needs of students and can mediate and answer open questions at the interface between university and the professional world. Contact: jr-bayern@bdla.de.
They are involved as junior spokespersons in the regional association, advocate for the interests of juniors in bdla Bavaria and actively support the junior work of the Bavarian regional association.
Landscape Architecture