
10 News - Hamburg

Malenter Runde meets Hamburger Grüntöne on 22/23.10.2021: LandscapeArchitecture for future

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The bdla Schleswig-Holstein and the bdla Hamburg invite to the common advanced training meeting "Malenter round meets Hamburg green tones 2021".

News - Hamburg · 11. August 2021

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bdla Hamburg is committed as part of the "Green 5

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The bdla Hamburg is a federation of several Hamburg associations committed to the city's green spaces.

News - Hamburg · 28. July 2020

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Compensation Landscape Final Statement dated 11/27/2019.

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Workshop discussion "Compensation Landscape": Final statement of the participants

News - Hamburg · 28. July 2020

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Malenter Runde meets Hamburger Grüntöne - postponed to October 2021

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Unfortunately, the event announced for October 16 and 17, 2020 will not take place due to the current Corona pandemic and thus an unpredictable future for events in 2020.

News - Hamburg · 13. March 2020

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Next general meeting of bdla Hamburg on 20 April 2020 (cancelled)

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The National Group cordially invites you to the 1st General Meeting 2020.

News - Hamburg · 13. March 2020

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Construction Implementation in Landscape Architecture Practice: Part 3 on May 9, 2020 (cancelled).

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Topic: Interface issues, disability and concerns.

News - Hamburg · 13. March 2020

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Construction Implementation in the Practice of Landscape Architecture: Part 2 on November 30, 2019.

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Subject: Acceptance and liability for defects in planting services

News - Hamburg · 29. November 2019

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Workshop discussion "Compensation landscape" on 27.11.2019

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Event about the compensation of impairments of the landscape with representatives from planning offices, administration and science.

News - Hamburg · 29. October 2019

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Seminar: Flood proofing in regular and special cases on November 5, 2019.

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The advancing climate change - and the associated increase in extreme weather events - pose new challenges.

News - Hamburg · 20. October 2019

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Shades of Green 2019 to Green and Blue Infrastructure on October 24, 2019.

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Green infrastructure is linked to blue infrastructure in many ways.

News - Hamburg · 27. September 2019

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