
8 News - Hamburg

Advanced training on the topic of environmental construction supervision in urban development on 7 September 2017

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In cooperation with the Hamburg Chamber of Architects, the bdla Landesverband Hamburg offers a further training course on the subject of environmental construction supervision in urban development.

News - Hamburg · 29. August 2017

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Hamburger Grüntöne on 21 September 2017: On the way from allotment garden to residential quarter

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The Hamburger Grüntöne 2017 will take place on 21 September 2017 and will pass through the Pergolenviertel in the district of Hamburg Nord.

News - Hamburg · 29. August 2017

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Further site inspections of the bdla Hamburg in preparation

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Following the successful first site inspection on 22 June 2017, further dates are being prepared. Place and time will be announced in due time.

News - Hamburg · 06. August 2017

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Next general meeting of bdla Hamburg on 6 November 2017

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The National Group cordially invites you to the 2nd General Meeting 2017.

News - Hamburg · 06. August 2017

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Site tour on 22 June 2017 to the Fontenay Hotel

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On Thursday, 22 June 2017, bdla Hamburg will host a guided tour of the construction site of the Hotel Fontenay, Fontenay 10, 20354 Hamburg.

News - Hamburg · 23. May 2017

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Save the date: Hamburg Green Tones on 21 September 2017

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The Hamburg Green Tones 2017 will take place on 21 September 2017 on the topic of environmental construction supervision. Place, time and program are still to be announced.

News - Hamburg · 26. April 2017

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Eppendorf's green soul in danger

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Seelemannpark on Heilwigstraße is an important piece of Hamburg's garden art history, and this idyll is now under threat.

News - Hamburg · 20. February 2017

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Uwe Isterling is dead. The profession was his life.

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At the age of 85, Uwe Isterling, chairman of bdla-Hamburg from 1978 to 1989 and long-time assessor in the bdla presidium, passed away in Hamburg on December 14, 2016.

News - Hamburg · 08. February 2017

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0