
RINN - Hessen


6th Movement Plan Plenary 2018, 17. 18.04.2018, Fulda

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"Creative play and movement areas in planning and design".

Maritim Hotel am Schlossgarten, Fulda
Pauluspromenade 2, 36037 Fulda

Playground and Landscape Verlag invites you to the 6th Movement Plan Plenum 2018 as part of the event series.
The workshop on "Playground planning in confined spaces - planning and solutions"
will be designed and carried out in cooperation with the bdla Hessen.
High-quality play and exercise facilities should be the goal of any planning. Of course, the design of these areas plays a very important role: they should offer attractive play and exercise facilities, have a high play value, meet the wishes and needs of the respective target group, be designed in a visually appealing way, appeal to as large a group of users as possible, not trigger any health and safety concerns, and fit into the area's surroundings in terms of design.

With regard to these requirements, the 2018 Movement Plan Plenum aims to provide participants with the latest findings from science and practice, present planning innovations, provide technical assistance and enable an exchange with other experts. For this purpose, renowned speakers from science and professional practice, from municipalities and landscape architecture offices, from associations and institutions have been invited to the plenum.

Among other things
Mr. Professor Dr. Alexander Woll (University of Karlsruhe),
Mr. Professor Dr. Dirk Jungels (university for applied management Munich),
Mrs. Dr. Elke Frenzel (local accident insurance Bavaria),
Mr. Franz Danner (TÜV south Product service GmbH),
Mrs. Susanne Weimann (child gymnastic donation Baden-Wuerttemberg) and
Mr. Jun. Prof. Dr. Rolf black (educational university Karlsruhe)

in Fulda lectures to the different topics of the plenum hold. Of course also critical discussions are not to come thereby too briefly. Besides it will give, as in the past years also, a panel discussion to a current topic, as well as in the afternoon of the first day topic deepenings in the form of Workshops.

Further education
The event has been submitted to the Chambers of Architects of NRW, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse for recognition.

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