
© Steffen Henrich

bdla special seminar "New legal framework for the handling of soil and recycled building materials

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Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV) and Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV 2023)
Practical knowledge for landscape architects

The bdla regional association Hessen e.V. in cooperation with the bdla regional associations Baden-Württemberg, bdla Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland as well as the association garden, landscape and sports ground construction Baden-Württemberg e.V. cordially invites to the bdla special seminar in Mannheim.

17.05.2023 - 10.00 - 17.00 o'clock seminar
17.05.2023 - 17.30 - 19.30 o'clock area guidance BUGA Mannheim 2023 (optional)

Dorint Kongresshotel Mannheim
Friedrichsring 6, 68161 Mannheim

Holger Seit, lawyer and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Munich

Seminar topic
Around 240 million tons of mineral waste are produced annually during construction work in Germany. This summer, the Substitute Construction Materials Ordinance (EBV) and the amended Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV), two federal ordinances, which will replace the previously applicable state regulations on the recycling of excavated soil and construction waste, will come into force. The regulations frequently used as a basis for assessment in practice - such as LAGA Notice 20 and the "Technical Rules for Soil" - will cease to apply when the new EBV comes into force.

© Steffen Henrich

© Steffen Henrich

RINN - Hessen


This primarily affects the utilization of soil material and mineral recycling building materials in earthworks, road, path and rail transport route construction (EBV) and the use of the material in all soil-related applications, such as gardening and landscaping, backfilling and recultivation of quarries and soil improvements in the agricultural sector (BBodSchV). Implementation of the new requirements poses major challenges for planners of gardening, landscaping and construction projects.

The one-day seminar provides an overview of the new legal requirements for handling excavated soil and recycling construction materials, introduces the systematics of the new shell ordinance (EBV and BBodSchV) and provides practical tips for planning, tendering and implementation.

260,00 Euro Participation fee
200,00 Euro Members bdla I VGLBW
100,00 Euro bdla junior members
35,00 Euro Guided tour BUGA Mannheim (incl. BUGA entrance ticket)
Participation includes training documents, lunch snack, beverages during breaks.

Registration deadline: 10.05.2023
We ask for early and binding registration under the above link.
You will receive the registration confirmation with invoice by e-mail. Please check your SPAM mailbox.

Dorint Congress Hotel Mannheim

Further education
The recognition as further education has been applied for at the Chambers of Architects of Baden-Württemberg , Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland, as well as North Rhine-Westphalia.
Further information will be available here shortly. Participants: inside receive a confirmation of participation.

bdla regional organization Hessen registered association.

in friendly co-operation
bdla regional organization Baden-Wuerttemberg registered association
bdla regional organization Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland
federation garden, landscape and sports field construction Baden-Wuerttemberg registered association.


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