
Ways to internal development in rural areas

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With the theme of building and living in times of integration and demographics, a conference will take place on

13 February 2017 from 10.00 - 16.00

the conference of the Alliance for Rural Areas will take place in Hanover.

The development of settlements in the rural areas of Lower Saxony is currently significantly influenced by two partly opposing phenomena of population development: The buzzwords demographic change and refugee influx are strikingly named.

These developments also have an impact on the inner development of cities and communities in rural areas. In addition to the conversion, re-use or further use of existing buildings, it is also the planned new buildings that can change and shape the image of our regions in the coming years. The conference would like to show the possibilities and opportunities that lie in this development and put them up for discussion.


Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL).

Lower Saxony Academy for Rural Areas e. V. (ALR)

Lower Saxony Heritage Association e. V. (NHB)

Lower Saxony County Association (NLT)

Lower Saxony Association of Towns and Municipalities (NSGB)

Under the umbrella of the "Alliance of Rural Areas", four associations (NSGB, NHB, NLT, ALR) are joining forces to represent the interests of rural areas and the people living in them even more effectively vis-à-vis politics, administration and other actors.

Registration information

The registration takes place exclusively by mail under the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at the office of the NLT. Contact person is Dr. Lutz Mehlhorn.

Please register for the conference including your contact details by 6 February 2017. Places are limited. The contribution to the conference is 50,- €. Please transfer the money to:

ALR Akademie Ländlicher Raum, Sparkasse Osnabrück

IBAN: DE78 2655 0105 1610 1339 91

Keyword: Inner development Your name

conference venue:

Academy of Sports


Ferdinand-Wilhelm-Fricke-Weg 10

30169 Hanover

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0