11th Symposium for the Promotion of Building Culture in Lower Saxony on 23 June 2017 in Hanover
The educational landscape in Germany is constantly evolving. Suitable buildings and outdoor facilities are needed for all-day programs and inclusion. Daycare centers, schools and universities in particular, but also facilities used in leisure time, should create optimal development conditions for all children and young people.
How do architecture, landscape architecture and urban planners deal with these requirements? What new participation formats are there and what do eventful and diverse places of learning and open spaces look like that enable children and young people to grow up healthily? How can the city benefit from educational buildings and open spaces suitable for children and young people?
Under the motto "Architecture. Education. Landscape." the 11th symposium on building culture in Lower Saxony will present concepts, possibilities and solutions. Exemplary examples of open and outdoor spaces in the residential environment and in the neighbourhood illustrate how important play, experience and recreation spaces, places of movement and encounter as well as places of independent learning are for children and young people.
Planners from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and urban planning, municipal stakeholders, school representatives as well as educational institutions are cordially invited, as are all other interested parties, to the specialist conference organised by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs and Construction and the Lower Saxony Chamber of Architects.
The topics are:
Spaces of design
Spaces of learning
What kind of children's and educational landscape does the city need?
Spaces of development
Stop ... and go!
Participation fee: 25,- €. A binding registration is required please until 19 June 2017.
Venue of the event: Sheraton Hotel in Hannover
Time: 9.00 - 15.30 hrs.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0