
6x Tuesdays at 6 in Hanover on 20.6.2017

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In the series 6x dienstags um 6 Mirco Becker will give his inaugural lecture on the topic of "Zahl, Material, Gestalt - zukünftige Ausrichtung der Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte".

Based on the three aspects of number, material, form, Mirco Becker presents the working and thinking methods of his architectural practice. From his own work, links to historical positions in the history of architecture and technology are shown. Number - stands for abstract design work and includes symbolic elements of classical plan representation, digital geometries as well as algorithmic design and simulation methods. Material - shows the handling of material properties in design and production. In addition, the composition of material properties using 3D printing and robotics can lead to highly specific architecture. Gestalt - explores ways to quantitatively evaluate novel forms and complex architectural systems aesthetically.

The future direction of teaching and research focuses on the question, "How do we want to live with technology?" Underlying the question is the assumption that technology is a reality of our Anthropocene environment in all areas of life. With the transition from analog to digital cultural technologies on the one hand and from fossil to renewable energies on the other, the question is relevant for future architects.

Date: 20 June 2017

Location: Leibniz University of Hanover, Room C50, Herrenhäuserstr. 8

Time: 18.00 h

Introduction by Prof. Dr. Johan Bettum, Städelschule Architcture Class

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