
Green roofs in Bremen

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The new construction projects being built in Findorff by investor Justus Grosse are getting green roofs.

The two large residential buildings "Münchner Bogen" and "Findorffer Tor" were originally planned without green roofs. Following criticism from the Green Bremen Alliance, in which the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen is also involved, as well as from initiatives and the local advisory board, representatives of Justus Grosse Projektentwicklung GmbH have now announced that both the "Findorffer Tor" building project on Hemmstraße and the "Münchener Bogen" project on Münchener Straße will be built with green roofs.

Justus Grosse's decision to build their new residential buildings with green roofs is welcome and a first important step that should also motivate other developers in Bremen to build in a more climate-friendly way. In times of climate change, green roofs with their effects on climate compensation are an important component of sustainable urban development. This is especially true in view of the current urban development with an increasing demand for new housing and the resulting increase in the use of vacant land.

More must be done for the urban climate in the future. Unfortunately, funding for green roofs in Bremen has been significantly reduced. This makes it all the more important that investors understand the need to build the city of tomorrow in a way that is climate-friendly and thus worth living in.

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