
Stadtpark Hannover Entwicklung und Sanierung eines 50er Jahre Parks Bild: Doris v. Dressler

Garden perspectives - Green prospects for building culture? An unequivocal yes

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10 years of the Netzwerk Baukultur and 10 years of the Garden Region Hannover - celebrated with a successful and versatile party in the Arne-Jacobsen-Foyer in the Herrenhäuser Gärten.

Bild: Doris v. Dressler

Bild: Doris v. Dressler

The morning was reserved for expert statements and a discussion on how livable cities and landscapes can be created through appropriate building and garden culture. Central topics were the challenges posed by climate change to the development of cities and municipalities and, in addition, not only to find planning solutions for this, but above all to have the necessary funds available for the preservation and maintenance of open spaces and green structures.

To the 20th forum the bdla N B presented itself together with the architectural association Lower Saxony. The bdla presented projects of green infrastructure, which were visited under the motto "Lust auf Grün" in the context of the architecture times 2018 19. In keeping with the theme, the touring exhibition of the Chamber of Architects' "RaumGewinn" competition was presented with five selected open space objects. Integrated into the presentation were seating elements by the company 'vestre', which contributed to a very attractive atmosphere.

In the afternoon, four very different excursions offered insights into the diverse aspects of garden culture in Hanover: construction and renovation projects of the Herrenhäuser Gardens, Hanover City Park, international district gardens, redesign of the Hohe Ufer, Linden-Süd district park, open space design of current housing projects, etc.

After the excursions, a garden slam with a music programme and culinary delights from the region awaited the visitors in the Arne Jacobsen foyer.

A crowning finale was the illumination in the Great Garden.

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