
Study-Up Award - Sponsorship Award of the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen goes to Carolin Kemkes

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Every year, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences awards prizes for outstanding achievements. In 2020, the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen has for the first time donated a prize for students' final theses in the fields of open space planning (B.Eng.), landscape development (B.Eng.), landscape construction (B.Eng.), landscape architecture (M.Eng.) and landscape construction (M.Eng.) (Bachelor's and Master's theses).

The award for the year 2020 went to Carolin Kemkes for her bachelor thesis on the topic:

UAV-supported data acquisition and 3D visualisations - comparison of methods using the example of Sportpark Duisburg-Wedau.

The board of the bdla Lower Saxony Bremen congratulates the junior member of the bdla, Carolin Kemkes, very warmly on her outstanding thesis.

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