
New board elected

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At the General Meeting on May 20, 2022, a new Board of Directors was elected in the Lower Saxony Bremen Regional Association as scheduled.

v. l. Paul Tontsch, Gotthard Storz, Gwendolyn Kuster und Georg Grobmeyer. Das grüne Plus steht für Monika Sprengel, Petra Schoelkopf und Thomas Ostermeyer. Bild: Doris von Dressler

v. l. Paul Tontsch, Gotthard Storz, Gwendolyn Kuster und Georg Grobmeyer. Das grüne Plus steht für Monika Sprengel, Petra Schoelkopf und Thomas Ostermeyer. Bild: Doris von Dressler

Gotthard Storz remains the old and new chairman, and Georg Grobmeyer was also re-elected as vice-chairman. After the retirement of Jessica Schütte, Gwendolyn Kusters was elected as a further deputy chairperson. New member of the board is Monika Sprengel as assessor and representative of the employees and civil servants. Petra Schoelkopf and Thomas Ostermeyer also belong to the overall board of the state association as advisory members. This circle was extended by the junior member Paul Tontsch.

The state association is thus headed by a committed team that will tackle the many tasks with drive and new ideas.

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