
Open space design plan on its way into the NBauO?

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As part of the association's participation, the State Association of Lower Saxony Bremen has currently commented on the draft of a law to amend the Lower Saxony Building Code and to amend the Lower Saxony Act to Facilitate the Creation of Housing.

In addition to the proposed changes to the building regulations on open space planning and climate aspects, there are also links to the topic of health promotion and urban crime prevention. From our point of view, these aspects should be considered as fundamental to affordable and safe housing. Safety in urban development and liveable cities, towns and neighborhoods are a basic need and must not be neglected in the issue of affordable housing.

In addition, to strengthen climate resilience and promote biodiversity, the following aspects in particular should be more firmly anchored in the NBauO:

  • Water absorption capacity of surfaces, creation of retention areas
  • Greening and planting on land and buildings
  • Avoidance and compensation of sealing

The aspects listed should be presented separately in the building documents in the form of a qualified open space design plan.

pdf To the complete statement (544 KB)

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