
RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


nrw.landscapearchitecture.award in Zülpich

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From 1 April to 17 April 2017, bdla nw and M:AI NRW will jointly present the award-winning and submitted works of the nrw.landscapearchitektur.preis 2016. On 1 April, the official vernissage will take place at 4 pm. Members and guests are welcome.

For the sixth time, the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla nw) has awarded the nrw.landscape.architecture.prize. Out of 19 entries, the jury chaired by Prof. Katja Benfer unanimously awarded prizes to four entries that excellently demonstrate how parks and open spaces can initiate and promote positive and sustainable urban development even under difficult conditions. This award is intended to highlight the creativity and design skills of landscape architects. Projects, planners and clients are honoured whose work is exemplary because it promotes high-quality, socially and ecologically oriented settlement and landscape development and contemporary, courageous and creative landscape architecture.

The M:AI Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW as a mobile museum is dedicated to the theme of landscape as a moment of urban design and supports the public perception of landscape architecture by exhibiting all submitted works.

All submitted projects will be shown from April 1, 2017 to April 17, 2017 at the Seepark Zülpich in the Seebad building. A total of 19 works were submitted. Four projects were awarded prizes. The two awards went to Danielzik Leuchter, Landschaftsarchitekten Duisburg, for the project "Innere Hustadt Bochum", to Scape Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Düsseldorf, for the project "Grüne Mitte Essen".

Two awards went to Geskes und Hack, Berlin, for the project "Seepark Zülpich" and to RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten, Bonn, for the project "Park am Wallgraben Zülpich". The plans for the Park am Wallgraben and the Seepark were developed as part of the 2014 State Garden Show. With these honors, the jury praised the new impulses for urban development through excellent planning on the one hand, and on the other hand referred to the urban planning effectiveness of garden shows.

The prize is sponsored by the company Rinn Beton- und Naturstein GmbH.

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