The bdla nw congratulates Birgitte Röde, landscape architect bdla and spokesperson garden art and garden culture nw, for the award in this year's competition Gardens of the Year.
On 8 February 2017, the award ceremony in the Gardens of the Year 2017 competition took place at Schloss Dyck, Jüchen, along with the presentation of the opulent illustrated book featuring the 50 most beautiful "Gardens of the Year" in the German-speaking world. The first prize, endowed with 5,000 euros, was awarded to the Petra Hirsch Gartenplanung office, Eppstein, for the design of a "Secret Garden" in the Rheingau.
The following each received an award:
Brigitte Röde Planungsbüro Garten und Freiraum, Cologne, with Brigitte Röde, landscape architect bdla, for a city garden in Cologne,
Otto Arnold GmbH (Andreas Käpplinger, Leinfelden-Echterdingen) for a "Designstückchen" in Bietigheim and Lebendige Gärten Ralph Eid, Johanniskirchen, for a castle garden in Tittling.
Callwey Verlag and Garten Landschaft - together with their partners Mein schöner Garten, BGL Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e. V., bdla Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, DGGL Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur e.V., KANN GmbH Baustoffwerke, Hofquartier and Schloss Dyck - held the competition for the second time. Landscape architects and garden and landscape construction companies submitted around 100 garden projects, which were viewed and evaluated by a jury of six in July 2016.
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