t is just over 7 months until the fsb trade fair in Cologne opens its doors from 07 - 10 November. As was the case 2 years ago, it would be great for the profession of landscape architects and thus of course also for our professional association if as many member offices as possible were to be present at the planerFORUM.
This offer of STADTundRAUM to planners makes a fair presence possible with very manageable financial and personnel expenditure. With registration up to 31.06. for 50 euro net 4 m Messestellwand, floor covering, seat opportunity, tables u.a. for visitors, 2 exhibition passes and an address entry in the data base are made possible. It is - with appropriate organization of the own fair contribution - not compellingly necessary to be personally locally during the entire opening time.
On one day (presumably Thursday), there will again be the BDLA Day on the marketplace with lectures by colleagues (with or without a presence at the fair), among others.
questions, registrations for the fair and/or day before takes Yvonne Göckemeyer,
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0