
Elected - New board of bdla nw

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At the general meeting on 16 March 2017, Matthias Lill was bidden farewell as 1st chairman. With her election as 1st Chairperson of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects, Ina Bimberg, landscape architect from Iserlohn, now takes over this task. Martin Gasse, landscape architect from Bad Lippspringe, was elected to the office of 2nd Chairman OWL.

Foto mit dem scheidende Vorsitzenden Matthias Lill (2. von links), der neuen Vorsitzenden Ina Bimberg sowie dem 2. Vorsitzenden Rheinland  Christian Jürgensmann (links) und dem Schatzmeister Markus Dalhaus (rechts). Es fehlt der neue 2. Vorsitzende Martin Gasse, der aus terminlichen Gründen absagen musste und in Abwesenheit gewählt worden war. Foto: J. Dohmen-Mick

Foto mit dem scheidende Vorsitzenden Matthias Lill (2. von links), der neuen Vorsitzenden Ina Bimberg sowie dem 2. Vorsitzenden Rheinland Christian Jürgensmann (links) und dem Schatzmeister Markus Dalhaus (rechts). Es fehlt der neue 2. Vorsitzende Martin Gasse, der aus terminlichen Gründen absagen musste und in Abwesenheit gewählt worden war. Foto: J. Dohmen-Mick

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Ina Bimberg, who had held the office of 2nd Chairperson OWL in recent years, thanked Matthias Lill, who had worked tirelessly for the interests of the bdla and the profession during his term of office despite health problems. Matthias Lill has been a member of the bdla since 1980. He began his work on the board as early as 1983 and was treasurer and managing director of the regional group until 1993. From 1997 to 2003 he was deputy chairman bdla nw and from 2004 to 2014 chairman of the admission committee of bdla nw. In 2014 he had accepted the election as 1st chairman. That is almost 35 years of voluntary work, in which he has represented the interests of our professional association in his friendly, competent and unagitated way committed in politics, the public and in the professional world.

Friedhelm Terfrüchte, spokesman for urban redevelopment bdla nw, Rainer Steinmeier, spokesman for fees and contracts, and Marcel Wiegard, spokesman for juniors, were also confirmed in their offices.

The cash report and budget were approved. The topics of the advisory board meeting briefly presented. A preview of past and upcoming events rounded off the official part of the meeting. The detailed minutes of the meeting are deposited in the protected member area!

The topic of the member advertisement is still of great importance for the continuance of the bdla. Both freelance offices and salaried members must be recruited and more attention must be drawn to the advantages of membership. The idea of networking should be emphasized even more, especially younger members as well as colleagues in smaller offices must be won for the association in "open exchange rounds".

The age structure both in the board of the national group and in the entire association shows that it is particularly important for the continuity of the association in the long term to win over younger colleagues again and again for an active association work. In this context, a closed meeting of the board is planned for the end of October, to which some younger colleagues will be invited. At this closed meeting, the expectations of the next generation of landscape architects towards the association as well as the chances and possibilities of a corresponding control are to be discussed intensively.

Following the meeting, Johannes Reinders gave an impulse lecture on the preparatory planning for a future State Garden Show in Kamp-Lintfort, followed by the presentation of the competition results for the State Garden Show 2020 Kamp-Lintfort by Christian Jürgensmann and Matthias Lill and a discussion on competition and award procedures in NRW.

Over a hearty soup and a glass of wine and water, the evening ended with stimulating conversations.

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