
RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Second Forum Garden Planning - The Collengroup grows

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In sunny spring weather, the second and this time all-day meeting of the landscape architects, who mainly deal with the planning of private gardens, took place in the Seepark in Zülpich.

After a short round of introductions of the 11 participants, a lively discussion began.

It was about dealing with the customers and the often very intensive consulting work in this segment as well as about the kind of cooperation with the executing companies. There was also an intensive exchange on the subject of "chargeable construction costs and the resulting bidding phase of the planners". The discussions were very informative and were held in a very pleasant atmosphere for all participants.

After the lunch break, the landscape architect Thomas Hellingrath, authorized signatory of the Landesgartenschau Zülpich 2014 GmbH, guided the group competently through the theme gardens of the former Landesgartenschau Zülpich. These 15 very differently designed gardens provided many impulses for further discussions and professional exchange.

At the end of the event, not only new topics for the next 3rd Forum Garden Planning in October were collected but also worked out about joint events. Mr. Hellingrath again offered the Seepark in Zülpich as the venue, which was approved by all participants.

The garden planning forum is designed in such a way that in the future a circle of approx. 10-15 participants will meet to discuss various topics of the wide spectrum of "private gardens" and in particular to exchange ideas with colleagues. The participants will be informed about the upcoming dates. If you are also interested in the meetings, please contact the office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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