At the suggestion of our member Andreas Hermanns, a 1st meeting was held in Düsseldorf on Thursday 22/02/2018.
In addition to current issues in landscape architecture, the focus was on collegial exchange in the meeting organized by Norbert Hellmann, spokesman for environmental and landscape planning bdla nw.
A total of 10 members registered for the first meeting with colleagues for the purpose of general and professional exchange of experience. Unfortunately, two had to cancel due to illness. The colleagues Andreas Hermanns (Schwalmtal), Markus Gnüchtel (Düsseldorf), Günter Kursawe (Nümbrecht) and Norbert Hellmann (Nümbrecht) were present.
The establishment of this regular round of talks goes back to an initiative of our colleague Andreas Hermanns from Schwalmtal. Norbert Hellmann in his function as spokesman for environmental and landscape planning in the BDLA NRW agreed to take over the organisation of these discussion rounds.
The following topics were discussed in a relaxed, informal and collegial atmosphere:
- Consideration of sustainability criteria in planning practice and in the care/maintenance of open spaces
- Requirements for the environmental report according to § 2a BauGB and the UVP report according to § 16 UVPG in the version valid since 08.09.2017 version
- Consideration of the "new" EIA protected assets area, susceptibility of planning/projects to the consequences of climate change, susceptibility of planning/projects to major accidents and disasters,
- Assessment of the environmental effects taking into account the interaction with the effects of other existing or approved projects or activities
- Surveillance/monitoring, etc.a. for significant adverse environmental impacts
- Requirement for case-by-case assessment according to § 7 UVPG (general and site-specific preliminary assessment)
Markus Gnüchtel reported in detail on the sustainability audit for the IGA 2017, which was prepared using the "Sustainable Open Space" guideline that is currently being finalised. He will also report on this at the GALK/DGGL/BDLA Federal Congress in Frankfurt at the beginning of June.
The FLL guide "Sustainable Open Spaces" describes approx. 150 "questions" / criteria of sustainability, which can be used to promote sustainable development. Furthermore, these criteria can be used to formulate sustainability goals, which can also be used, among other things, to review a
BDLA NRW - Fachgesprächsrunde_Düsseldorf_2018-02-22
sustainable development in the timeline and to evaluate progress.
The "questions" are intended to describe ecological, economic, social and technical facts and processes that seem particularly important to us as simply as possible and with examples. It will be an important work step to translate these sustainability criteria into planning practice in formulated performance specifications for landscape architects and architects. Markus Gnüchtel formulates this as an important goal of his further association work in the BDLA.
On the topic of "Environmental report in accordance with § 2a BauGB and the UVP report in accordance with § 16 UVPG", those present exchanged their experiences from planning practice and come to the conclusion that the BDLA has already prepared the basics and requirements well for colleagues through the workshop discussion on 12.01.2018 in Kassel within the framework of the AK Landschaftsplanung of the BDLA. The new outlines both for the environmental report pursuant to Section 2a BauGB and for the EIA report pursuant to Section 16 UVPG are already available as proposals and are already being used by landscape architects in practice.
A further round of talks for collegial exchange and also getting to know colleagues is envisaged for the beginning of July 2018. The invitation to this will be available in good time on the homepage of the BDLA regional group NRW
Finally, a note on my own behalf: I would be pleased, and actually consider it self-evident, that if you register for the discussion round, you should also cancel in good time before the date if you cannot come!
Dipl-Ing. Norbert Hellmann Landscape Architect BDLA AKNW Spokesman for Environmental and Landscape Planning
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0