
Elected - New Executive Board in the North Rhine-Westphalia Regional Group

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At the general meeting on March 21, 2019, Ina Bimberg was bidden farewell as 1st chairperson. With his election as 1st chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects, Thomas Dietrich from the Oberhausen planner group, landscape architect from Essen, now takes over this task. Andreas Winter, landscape architect from Bielefeld, was elected to the office of 2nd Chairman OWL. The new spokesperson for open space planning is Isabella di Medici.

Ina Bimberg übergibt den Vorsitz an Thomas Dietrich, Foto: Judith Dohmen-Mick

Ina Bimberg übergibt den Vorsitz an Thomas Dietrich, Foto: Judith Dohmen-Mick

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Christian Jürgensmann, 2nd chairman of the regional group thanked Ina Bimberg, who had worked tirelessly for the interests of the bdla and the profession during her term of office. Ina Bimberg has been a member of the bdla since 1986. At the beginning of the 90-iger was it adviser/speaker federation for public work and later deputy chairmen. She was also involved in the board of the regional group. In 2014 she became deputy chairwoman OWL and from 2017 1st chairwoman of the regional group. That is almost 30 years of voluntary work, in which she has represented the interests of our professional association in her friendly and competent way with commitment in politics, the public and in the professional world.

Also confirmed in their offices were Friedhelm Terfrüchte, spokesman for urban redevelopment bdla nw, Rainer Steinmeier, spokesman for fees and contracts, and Marcel Wiegard, junior spokesman.

Cash report and budget were adopted. The topics of the advisory board meeting were briefly presented. An outlook on upcoming events rounded off the official part of the meeting. The detailed minutes of the meeting will be available in the protected member area from mid-April 2019!

The main topic in 2019 will be climate adaptation strategies and communicating the profession's expertise in this interdisciplinary complex of topics.

Following the meeting, Peter Wirtz, landscape architect from Schoten, Belgium, gave a work presentation on his fascinating and international projects and gardens.

Peter Wirtz during his lecture, Photo: Judith Dohmen-Mick

Over a hearty soup and a glass of wine and water, the evening ended with stimulating conversation.

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