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At the general meeting on 8 September, Christian Jürgensmann was dismissed as deputy chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects. However, he remains active on the board as a spokesman for competition and public procurement. With the election to the deputy chairman Rhineland Andreas Hermanns, freelance landscape architect from Schwalmtal, now takes over this task. Laura Heuschneider is the new spokesperson for plant use. Further spokespersons were confirmed in their offices.

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Thomas Dietrich thanked Christian Jürgensmann and the other board members for their dedicated representation of the interests of landscape architects. In its last meeting, the board had also nominated 12 candidates for the elections to the XII Representative Assembly. In addition to familiar faces who have been involved in the Chamber of Architects nw for a long time, there are also new colleagues. He called on everyone to make use of their right to vote in December and to elect the bdla as the only representative body for landscape architects.

More than 30 participants had followed the invitation of the bdla to Haan in the old pump station and used the meeting for collegial exchange.

The interesting work lecture of Markus Pieper and Hubertus Schäfer gave a lot of discussion material, especially about the requirements and opportunities of digitalization in landscape architecture. This technical development can contribute to broadening the spectrum of our field of activity and thus make the profession even more interesting for young professionals. The next general meeting on 11 November 2020 will therefore be dedicated to the current future issues of landscape architecture. All landscape architects are cordially invited to attend.

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