
Good discussions at the parliamentary evening

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Good discussions on the Rhine: At the parliamentary evening of the Verband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau NRW e. V. (VGL NRW) and the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten NRW (bdla nw) on July 3 on board the MS Riverstar in Düsseldorf, members of both associations exchanged views on current political issues with members of the NRW state parliament. Josef Mennigmann, President of VGL NRW, opened the evening together with bdla nw Chairman Thomas Dietrich and also welcomed the President of the NRW State Parliament André Kuper and Silke Gorißen, NRW Minister for Agriculture and Consumer Protection, among the guests.

RINN - Nordrhein-Westfalen


Lorberg - Nordrhein-Westfalen


GaLaBau - Nordrhein-Westfalen


"Every two years, we invite people to this sociable exchange to achieve one thing in particular: To promote the exchange between companies and politicians and to enable discussions at eye level. This is the only way we can develop a mutual understanding for each other. Because at the end of the day, we all have a common goal: to make our federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia green, liveable and climate-resilient. To achieve this, we need to strengthen the SME sector and expand our educational landscape," Mennigmann addressed the MPs and members. Together with Dietrich, he presented the most important core topics of the two associations: In view of the increasingly frequent occurrence of extreme weather events, the expansion of green-blue infrastructure is crucial, particularly in densely populated cities. Climate adaptation measures must be implemented with the early involvement of trained specialists in construction projects. The associations also advocated a clear perspective in training and further education for the industry. A central university location in NRW is fundamental in order to train both teaching staff and specialists for the green professions, according to the appeal to politicians. In addition, Mennigmann spoke out in favor of an exemption from the toll obligation for gardening and landscaping that has been in force since July 1 and thanked the state government for having already supported the industry with corresponding applications to the federal government.

André Kuper, President of the state parliament, emphasized the importance of the "green associations". He said: "The gardening and landscaping sector and its associations are important partners for the state in maintaining and expanding infrastructure and natural areas in North Rhine-Westphalia. Their work also mitigates the consequences of climate change. One key project is the state garden shows, which have a positive impact on urban development and the regional economy. The state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia will continue to help ensure that their success story continues in the future."

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