
Garden tours

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Dresden garden walks and Chemnitz garden tours

Zschonergrundbad © Planung: Wasserwerkstatt, Foto: bdla Sachsen

Zschonergrundbad © Planung: Wasserwerkstatt, Foto: bdla Sachsen

On the one hand, the tours are aimed at the interested lay public, but they are also intended to appeal to professional colleagues and to stimulate an exchange of ideas 'on site' and, last but not least, to make the skills of the profession more comprehensively known to potential clients. The guided tours are free of charge and can usually be attended without prior appointment. Depending on the size of the facilities, they last up to 90 minutes.

The Office of Urban Greenery and Waste Management is an official partner of the bdla in the Dresden Garden Walks, which have been held since 2001.
In 2022, after a break due to the pandemic, they will be held for the 20th time and are dedicated to the theme of "urban greenery and health".

At the kick-off event, students of landscape architecture at the TU Dresden presented their project "Z E I T Transformation and Processuality of Landscape". Ulrich Krüger, 2nd chairman of bdla Saxony, gave the welcoming speech. The first garden walk this year led across several parks from the Südpark to the Neue Annenfriedhof.

Further dates of the Dresden garden walks can be taken from the following flyer:

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