
© Pulvermühlenpark Dresden, Planung: Angela Schüler, LANDSCHAFT + DESIGN

10 News - Sachsen

Update: Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV) - One year later: practical experience and developments - Seminar 11.07.2024

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Update: Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (EBV) - One year later: practical experience and developments

News - Sachsen · 05. June 2024

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Bus tour 23.8.2024 - Designing, building, maintaining and renovating natural nursery gardens and playscapes

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Advanced training bdla bus excursion "Designing, building, maintaining and renovating natural daycare gardens and playscapes"

News - Sachsen · 28. May 2024

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International expert exchange between Prague and Dresden on nature-oriented design of kindergartens and play areas

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On March 22, 2024, a group of educators and experts from the kindergarten and nature education sector from Prague visited nature-oriented kindergartens and playgrounds in Dresden under the guidance of landscape architects Matthias Mohring and Sigrid Böttcher-Steeb from bdla Saxony

News - Sachsen · 07. May 2024

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Recap of the New Year's reception for the Saxony regional group 08.02.2024

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On February 8, 2024, the bdla Saxony celebrated its 1st New Year's reception

News - Sachsen · 18. February 2024

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Save-the-Date New Year's Reception Regional Group Saxony 08.02.2024

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The New Year's reception of the Saxony state association will take place in Dresden on February 8, 2024.

News - Sachsen · 22. December 2023

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The Federal Horticultural Show 2033 is coming to Dresden!

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With its resolutions on December 14, 2023, the Dresden City Council made a clear commitment to holding the Federal Garden Show in Dresden 2033.

News - Sachsen · 21. December 2023

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Architecture Prize of the City of Leipzig 2023 for the Parkallee skate park in Leipzig-Grünau

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We congratulate our member office GFSL gruen fuer stadt leben on winning the City of Leipzig's architecture prize for the Parkalee skat facility in Leipzig-Grünau!

News - Sachsen · 17. December 2023

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Landscape architecture in Melbourne between dream and reality - Lecture 28.9.2023

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How do colleagues work Down Under and what prospects do young graduates have?

News - Sachsen · 11. September 2023

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Zwickau: Great climate. That is landscape architecture!

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Exhibition and ideas move on.

News - Sachsen · 11. September 2023

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27th Forum Stadtgrün - Network Stadtgrün 13.11.2023

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Health is very much dependent on living conditions and housing conditions. The importance of urban green spaces for the health of the population and the need for action that can be derived from this are the topic of this year's Forum Stadtgrün:

News - Sachsen · 11. September 2023

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