Under the title "Prima Klima. That's Landscape Architecture!", an exhibition focusing on climate-silient planning is planned for 6.6 - 7.7.2019 at the ZfBK Centre for Building Culture Saxony.
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION to all landscape architects in Saxony!
Members of the Chamber of Architects Saxony and / or the bdla Saxony are invited to participate in the exhibition with their own project examples.
The focus is on measures that improve the microclimate in cities and communities with regard to climate change, establish greenery as an important locational advantage and thus also showcase the services of landscape architects.
The overall project is organised in cooperation by:
- bdla Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Landesgruppe Sachsen
- AKS Architektenkammer Sachsen
- Landeshauptstadt Dresden
- TUD Technische Universität Dresden
Current information and registration for the specialist events here.
- Latitude: 0
- Longitude: 0