"From perennial jungles to radical pruning -
plantings looked at in a different way!"

Thursday, September 15, 2022; 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Joint event bdla and GdS
Mirko Bartel, Dresden:
Site-appropriate plantings yesterday and today. Which plantings are still sustainable under climatic conditions like this summer?
Andreas Wiedmaier, Freiburg:
The jungle garden - ways to sustainable use of exotic plants. The urban shade garden for vacations at home.
Hans-Roland Müller, Laußnitz:
"Coppicing" - The best cut-tolerant woody plants for the design of attractive
perennial-woody mixed plantings.
Cost: 55 € guests, 20 € members bdla/GdS, 15 € junior members bdla
Employees of bdla members pay the member price.
Location: HTW Dresden, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, Room Z 211
Click here to register.
Registrations can only be accepted via the online form!
Further training offers of the bdla Saxony can be found here.
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