Exhibition and ideas move on.

The bdla Landesverband Sachsen, together with the city administration of Zwickau, invites you to the exhibition "PrimaKlima. That's Landscape Architecture!"
The exhibition can be seen from 2 to 17 October 2023 in Zwickau City Hall, Hauptmarkt 1, 1st floor foyer
(opening hours: Mon-Thu 8 am to 6 pm | Fri Sat 8 am to 1 pm).
Heavier rainfall, longer dry periods, new animal and plant species migrating - we are all feeling the climate change and getting an inkling of the changes that lie ahead in landscape and urban open spaces. Landscape architecture today must deal with a variety of current challenges and increasingly operate in complex contexts. As the climate changes, so do projects. They are becoming more sustainable, more complex and more responsible. The exhibition "Prima Klima. That's Landscape Architecture!" is intended to show. On display are projects by landscape architects and students that have been developed at various locations. The exhibition was created in cooperation with the Chamber of Architects of Saxony, bdla Landesverband Sachsen, the state capital Dresden and the Technical University of Dresden.
A city can probably suffocate. It can drown anyway, as we have experienced in recent years, and it can also die of thirst... This means that the way the city functioned, was planned, built and lived yesterday will no longer be possible tomorrow. Rethinking and rethinking is therefore becoming increasingly necessary.
Information about the project and tools for rethinking can be found on the website www.bdla.de/primaklima
and in the exhibition brochure:
- Latitude: 0
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