
Expert exchange on the topic of tree lists and planting specifications

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Expert exchange on the topic of tree lists and planting specifications

©  S.Böttcher-Steeb

© S.Böttcher-Steeb

Wednesday, September 25, 2024; 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Association of German Landscape Architects Saxony invites you to a dialog and professional exchange on the topic of tree lists and plant use for play areas and daycare centers. The occasion is new specifications and plant lists in Saxony, which landscape architects should take into account in their various plans. We will give a brief overview of current developments, including the tree list of the Eigenbetrieb Kindertageseinrichtungen Dresden, learn more about the motivations and exchange views on help, benefits and planning scope with an ever-increasing number of recommendations and prohibitions of plant species.

Costs: 20 € guests, 10 € bdla members, 5 € junior bdla members
Employees of bdla members pay the membership price.

Venue: House of Architects, Goetheallee 37, 01309 Dresden

Program items:

New tree list for open space planning of the EB Kita Dresden

Ms. Pochert and Mr. Kruppka (Eigenbetrieb Kindertageseinrichtungen Dresden)
Reason for and aim of the planting specifications for Dresden's daycare center open space planning

Climate trees, future trees - planning under changing conditions

Rüdiger Clausen, spokesperson for the AG Klima in bdla Saxony

Recommendation list of plants for near-natural play areas

Ute Eckardt, Office for Urban Greenery and Waste Management (ASA) (requested)
Presentation of the new recommendation list of plants for near-natural play areas,
compiled by Unfallkasse Sachsen, together with ASA and SLfG e.V.

How much flexibility and expertise does the use of plants need?

Claudia Blaurock, Federal spokesperson for plant use in the bdla

Discussion and exchange of expertise in the "Fish Bowl"

All speakers and guests form a panel, clarify questions on the topics, exchange arguments in a moderated format


Further information and registration

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