Board of Directors
Sylvia Staudte (1st Chairperson)
Ulrich Krüger (2nd Chairperson)
Robert Heinze (Treasurer)
Angela Schüler
Jacobistrasse 7
01309 Dresden
Tel: 0351 - 315 51 092
Fax: 0351 - 848 01 10
The speakers represent the appropriate specialized topics on the national level and are members of working groups of the same name on the federal level, which take Germany far in the sense of the occupation influence on political and technical levels, for example to current planning tendencies and sets of rules.
Training spokesperson - maintains contact with the training institutes: Claudia Blaurock
Building technology and standards spokesperson - follows current standardization procedures and participates in various standardization committees: Tom Kirsten
Speaker Garden culture - Holger Rothamel
Speaker Landscape Planning - in the context of her professorship at the TU Dresden concerned with all issues of landscape planning: Prof. Dr. Catrin Schmidt
Speaker Public Relations - coordination of all externally effective projects of the bdla Landesverband Sachsen: Petra Bernsee
Speaker Economy - deals with the fee system and questions of the profitability of our profession: Robert Storch
Speaker Plant Use - deal with the diversity of plants, their requirements and uses: Yvonne Störer/ Tom Kirsten
Speaker Urban Development and Open Space Planning - appointed to technical problems of urban development and open space planning: Franziska Schieferdecker
Speaker Competition Issues - advocates the promotion of architectural competitions in all areas of activity of our profession: Rüdiger Clausen
Representation Working Group Educational spaces - directional initiatives on school and daycare outdoor spaces: Sigrid Böttcher-Steeb
Representation Working Group Climate/project "Prima Klima. That's landscape architecture!":
Petra Bernsee
Representation Working Group Young Landscape Architects:
Robert Heinze
Representation Working Group Dresden Garden Walks:
Claudia Blaurock
Representation Working Group Chemnitz Garden Tours:
Stefan Leiste
Representation Fördergesellschaft Sächsischer Landesgartenschauen GmbH:
Steffi Schüppel
bdla member in the representative assembly of the Chamber of Architects of Saxony:
Christoph Hein
Junior spokesperson: Patricia Werner
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