This year's Malenter Runde of the bdla Schleswig-Holstein regional group was once again a very successful event. The focus this time was on rural areas.

In the shadow of the metropolitan regions, many innovative development approaches are also developing in rural areas. Their broad impact on working and living conditions, the energy transition and climate change is impressive and underlines the motto of the conference "Land ahead!".
However, the Malenter Runde would not be the tried-and-tested conference format if it did not look at other specialist disciplines. Already during Prof. Dünckmann's first lecture, the thought secretly came to mind: wonderful, that is the character of the Malenter Runde, with a view well beyond the horizon, beyond everyday planning and without handing out recipes. Instead, it provides food for thought and opens up new thinking spaces.
For many in the audience, it was certainly new that there are cultural geographers, an exciting mixture of two disciplines. "The village as a resonance space" or "the potential of differing opinions" were striking keywords that stood out.

We then moved on to Tobias Ilg from Freiburg with the "Village of the future" and Sabine Rabe, who took us along on her very careful explorations with "New ideas from small towns and large villages", right up to the energy-laden lecture in the afternoon on the heat transition in Meldorf. And we were probably lucky that the speaker was not picked up by the police, as he himself exaggerated several times.
In any case, this brought us back down to earth and out of our ivory tower. A surprising contrast that made many in the audience frown, but at the same time a strong pinch of salt in the soup and also an enrichment.
Dr. Ostrau on Saturday morning had what it takes to bring even those who may have enjoyed the local wine supplies too intensively the evening before up to speed. His presentation impressively showed what options and instruments are available in connection with prevention in the event of heavy rainfall and where these can be activated with relatively simple means.
The crowning finale was certainly the performance by Thilo Metzger-Petersen with his charming and inspiring stories about cheese. It was then only logical that this was followed by a great tasting of various flavors to close the cheese's stomach.

An all-round successful event. This was particularly noticeable among those who were there for the first time and were amazed at what we "put together" here.
The speakers kindly made their scripts available:
DÜNCKMANN: Village life
(1.61 MB)
ILG: Village of the future New Work
(1.93 MB)
RABE News from small towns and large villages
(7.56 MB)
SCHMELING: The neighborhood concept
(4.09 MB)
BIELENBERG: Heat transition in Meldorf
(17.72 MB)
OSTRAU: Land under water in the village. The sponge village
(18.16 MB)
WILHELMY, ZYDEK: Moorland protection is climate protection
(3.94 MB)
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