Jury decision on the comparative urban planning study "Jena - Am hinteren Jenzighang" and award ceremony on April 18, 2024 in Berlin
"New ways of densified ecological hillside development with low land sealing and efficient rainwater management on the way to a more sustainable, resilient future in the residential sector" was the objective of the student competition of the three bdla regional groups from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, which was organized by bdla Thuringia in 2023/2024. The award ceremony took place in Berlin on April 18, 2024.

The competition was about how we can live with less land consumption and sustainable water management in the future, grow some of our own food again and combine different forms of housing with flexible floor plans in order to achieve better ecological and social coexistence.
Aware of the need to prioritize the conversion of existing building structures and to critically scrutinize all potential new building sites, the city of Jena's urban planning department proposed the G area at the foot of the rear Jenzig, for which various urban planning studies have already been carried out as part of the city's housing concept.
Densified building cubatures with usable, green roofs, the concentration of stationary traffic in neighborhood garages and narrow residential street development were to respond to the existing topography and its character. They were to blend in with the existing old orchards and generate significantly more private, semi-public and public green spaces than the two conventional development studies from the in-depth urban planning concept with 49 units in 49 single-family houses in variant 1-01 or their 94 units mainly in semi-detached houses as well as two- and three-storey buildings in variant 1-02.
All students of the TU Dresden, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and Erfurt University of Applied Sciences in the fields of landscape architecture were eligible to participate. Three teams from Erfurt University of Applied Sciences "won the race":
1st prize: Green Living. Design authors: Christoph Kaatz and Moritz Reinhard

2nd prize: Symbioase. Design authors: Anna-Kathrin Metz and Rebekka Köhler
3rd prize: Weinbergidyll. Design authors: Anne Girschik, Pauline Lotter and Janina Gehrke

We offer our warmest congratulations and provide an insight into the works and their assessment.
After discussions during the four exhibition tours with the award winners, their professors, city council members and architects from the AKT Chamber Group Jena in the Rathausdiele, a meeting is planned at the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences to explore the extent to which the three award-winning designs can be further developed, possibly in collaboration with architecture students.
The Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia regional groups would like to thank the sponsors:
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