
Online seminar on soil management on November 13, 2024

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The Thuringia regional group of the bdla is organizing a training course in autumn entitled "From soil to substrate - soil management in all service phases".

bdla Thüringen

bdla Thüringen

The new Mantelverordnung for substitute building materials and soil protection came into force in August 2023. Ideally, the technical assessment of the existing soils and substrates on the construction site is carried out by a commissioned engineering office. Important conclusions for construction and planting can be derived from the soil report. This training course is intended to give the commissioned landscape architect - in addition to the construction and soil base report - a better overview of the existing soils and the supplied or processed substrates.

  • What conclusions can be drawn from the site with regard to the reintegration or local upgrading of existing soils?
  • What does it mean to be supplied with substrates with a recycled content?
  • For example, which substrates are suitable for use in playgrounds in terms of the recycled materials they contain, in path construction or for planting?
  • How can I tell from the certifications whether a material is sufficiently frost-proof, compactable or even permeable?

In principle, the use of recycled material is to be welcomed and conserves natural resources. At the same time, environmentally friendly and cost-effective handling requires successful local soil management on the construction site.

1. lecture
Substrates in landscaping - overview, use and critical consideration
Speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Ingrid Gock | Planungsbüro für Garten- und Landschaftsdesign

Dealing with topsoil and other excavated soil on the construction site
Speaker: Sebastian Knoll | Expert according to § 18 BBodSchG | Bodeninstitut Johannes Prügl - Ingenieurbüro für Boden- und Vegetationstechnik

Soils, excavated soil, substrates and recycled material Differences in the tender and on the construction site or is it all the same?
Speaker: Prof. Gert Bischoff | ö.b.v. expert for gardening and landscaping | Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Landscaping

Organizer: Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla Landesgruppe Thüringen e.V.

Registration deadline: 12 November 2024


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