© bdla Sachsen, Filmausschnitt: Enrico Damme

Kinder-Gärten - a film of the bdla Saxony

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A new short film vividly illustrates the transformation of aging daycare open spaces into vibrant, multi-use play spaces, using three kindergartens in Dresden and Chemnitz as examples.

From initial wishes and design ideas to the completed play space, the process of transformation comes to life. Lots of new opportunities for playing, romping and sensory experiences outdoors are also the result of close cooperation between the planning offices and the educators and children involved, whose wishes were the guiding principle for the redesign.

Every planning task and budget is different, and experts and specialist companies have to be coordinated expertly. The examples show that an optimal and individual solution for the children's garden can be found with experienced landscape architects for all sizes and budgets. As a result, the film shows enthusiastic children, satisfied educators and parents!

The film is a project of the AG Bildungsräume in bdla Saxony.

Film producer: edammer

Copyright: All copyrights and performance rights are held by the Saxony regional group of the Association of German Landscape Architects (bdla).

Latitude: 0
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