

10 Announcements

(Dis)satisfaction with the state of maintenance of green spaces in metropolitan areas

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Hamburg, Leipzig or Munich - their residents are very satisfied with the number, design and state of maintenance of the public green spaces in their city. The situation is very different for residents of Berlin and Cologne. Particularly in the capital and the Rhine metropolis, the number, state of maintenance and design of urban green spaces cause less enthusiasm. This is the result of a recent representative survey by the "Green in the City" initiative.

News · 02. August 2022

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Easter package on energy transition and planning acceleration adopted

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A series of legislative adjustments, the so-called Easter package of the federal government, were finally approved by the Bundesrat on July 8, 2022.

News · 12. July 2022

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GaLaBau 2022 "Together climate-proof into the future". Nuremberg, September 14-17, 2022

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The German Garden, Landscape and Sports Ground Construction Association BGL and NürnbergMesse as well as the around 1,000 exhibitors expect an interested trade audience at the Leading International Trade Fair for Urban Green and Open Spaces in Nuremberg from September 14-17, 2022. The focus is on coping with climate change.

News · 12. July 2022

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documenta15 - with the bdla "From the living room to the workbench".

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On Friday, July 1, 2022 and Saturday, July 2, 2022, the city of Kassel and the bdla had invited to an excursion to the documenta city Kassel.

News · 12. July 2022

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Update 2022. landscape and environmental development on 20/21.10.2022 in Berlin and online.

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The hybrid conference will present current tasks in landscape and environmental planning.

News · 05. July 2022

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Call for participation - Hackathon on digitalization at the 1st Biennale of Urban Landscape

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From 11.09. - 18.09. invites people from a wide range of disciplines such as architecture and planning, IT as well as the creative industries to Gelsenkirchen for a "Hackathon in Residence".

News · 04. July 2022

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New edition of the VgV guide published

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Under the leadership of the BDA and in cooperation with the leading planners' and municipal associations, the revised guide to the Public Procurement Ordinance (VgV-Verfahren) has been published. The bdla has also co-signed the publication.

News · 04. July 2022

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Federal Foundation for Building Culture with new Board of Trustees and Advisory Board

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BAK President Andrea Gebhard, Landscape Architect bdla, Deputy Chairwoman of the Foundation Board.

The Federal Foundation for Building Culture has a new foundation council. The 13 members of the Foundation Council were officially confirmed at the constituent meeting on June 24 in Berlin.

News · 29. June 2022

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Gender equitable landscape architecture - equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion

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Richness of use for all

By Barbara Willecke

In the triad of the sustainability parameters ecology, economy, social, the social performance of open spaces has the same weight as the ecological and economic performance.

News · 20. June 2022

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An overdue update? Association of German Landscape Architects

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By Petra Schoelkopf

In April of this year, the Advisory Board passed almost unanimously: As a first step towards more gender equity and diversity, an update of the association's name and logo will take place as a programmatic declaration of intent. We need to reflect again on what we stand for, who we want to reach, and how we communicate as an association in the future. It is therefore worth taking a brief look back.

News · 20. June 2022

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