

10 Announcements

2nd Young Landscape Architecture Workshop on 21.09.2021

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Online seminar for career starters and for the start of self-employment.

The bdla invites you to the second Young Landscape Architecture Workshop on 21 September 2021 from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. Topics of the workshop, which will be conducted online, are the changes to the HOAI, profitability, efficiency and strategies in everyday office life as well as in competitions and contract discussions. The seminar will provide the opportunity for a joint exchange of experiences.

Press releases · 05. August 2021

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BIM in landscape architecture

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Online seminar of the bdla on 8 September 2021

Building Information Modeling, or BIM for short, is playing an increasingly important role as a planning method in landscape architecture. Although most construction projects have been digitally drawn for a long time and project management, AVA and other software is used, the captured data remains trapped in separate systems. With BIM, on the other hand, a central data structure of the construction object, including a three-dimensional model, is set up and managed. In this way, BIM allows for a holistic view of the project and its development, taking into account all relevant characteristic data as well as the life cycle of the respective object.

Press releases · 29. July 2021

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(Re)building regulations for climate-neutral building now!

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Architects for Future and bdla call for open space design plan

The Architects for Future A4F movement is calling for an amendment to the building code with the aim of drastically reducingCO2 emissions from the construction sector in an open letter to the Conference of Building Ministers. Their proposals, which have been compiled in a so-called model (re)building code, range from advantages for building in existing buildings to the abolition of the parking space requirement for cars and the permission to install used materials.

Press releases · 27. July 2021

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Diversity of the new German school landscapes: Exhibition "Schoolyards"

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Coinciding with the opening of schools after a long period without face-to-face teaching, the new topic cluster "Schoolyards" goes online at Exemplary 17 selected schoolyards between Rendsburg and Ismaning give an insight into the diversity of the new German school landscapes and encourage to dare more open space quality at schools.

Press releases · 24. June 2021

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Award of planning services below the EU threshold value

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bdla presents sample tender documents

A large proportion of public contracts for planning services are below the EU threshold. Both sides, the contracting authorities and the planning offices, are dependent on the correct execution of the contract awards. In principle, the Sub-Threshold Regulation (UVgO) applies, in particular the prohibition of discrimination, the transparency requirement and the documentation obligation.

Press releases · 15. June 2021

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Get to know the versatile "green profession

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Student internships at Information for students and landscape architecture offices

The shortage of skilled workers is also becoming more acute in landscape architecture. That is why the topic of recruiting new talent has a central place in the current association work of the bdla. Among other things, it is necessary to start with school students and to advertise for a student internship in a planning office. It is a low-threshold offer and the first contact can be the impulse for the occupation with landscape architecture, one of the most exciting planning disciplines with diverse development possibilities.

Press releases · 05. May 2021

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New model contract for environmental construction supervision

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Online seminar on 10 June 2021 provides information on an important consultancy service and a current model contract

Environmental construction supervision (UBB) has developed into an important instrument in construction projects. In the meantime, it has become an independent advisory service in the construction process and is primarily awarded to experts who are particularly qualified for this purpose. As a still young specialist task, UBB has a relatively low degree of standardisation. The practice is diverse, which is also due to the variety of construction projects, the diverse bases in environmental and nature conservation law as well as the relevant objects of protection in each case.

Press releases · 05. May 2021

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German Landscape Architecture Prize awarded to Westpark in Augsburg

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Jury awards one first prize and nine prizes

The competition for the German Landscape Architecture Prize 2021 has been decided. The first prize goes to the Westpark, Augsburg, design author: Lohaus ∙ Carl ∙ Köhlmos, PartGmbB Landschaftsarchitekten ∙ Stadtplaner, Hanover. This was the result of the jury meeting on 23 April 2021 in Berlin.

Press releases · 27. April 2021

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Public green in times of the pandemic

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bdla demands maintenance and development of urban green spaces at a high level

Especially in times of the pandemic, well-maintained public green spaces that can be used in a variety of ways are system-relevant for the health of urban society. Politicians and administrators are called upon to provide the necessary financial resources for the maintenance and development of municipal green spaces on a permanent basis.

Press releases · 27. April 2021

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Climate-proof development of city and landscape

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Berlin Appeal of the Association of German Landscape Architects.
Tackling the task of climate change for generations

Cities and open spaces, and with them the quality of life for people, must be rethought. The extreme weather events that are already occurring and will become even more frequent in the future - long periods of heat or heavy rain - pose great challenges for our cities, rural areas and their inhabitants. In order to master these, according to the resolute opinion of the landscape architects represented by the bdla, the climate resilience of the cities in particular must be strengthened and the green infrastructure must be expanded as a central component of municipal services of general interest!

Press releases · 21. April 2021

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