

10 Announcements

Green for town and country -Green associations present positions for the Bundestag elections

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Joint positions for the Bundestag elections presented by BGL, bdla and BdB

Press releases · 18. May 2017

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New assessors in the bdla presidium

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bdla President appoints Gudrun Rentsch, Kitzingen, and Franz Reschke, Berlin. Thanks to Andreas Kipar and Elisabeth Lesche

Press releases · 10. May 2017

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German Landscape Architecture Award to Rheinboulevard, Cologne

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Jury awards one first prize and nine awards. Award ceremony on 29 September 2017 at the Allianz Forum in Berlin

Press releases · 04. May 2017

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From World over Web to Re-election

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Advisory board meeting and annual conference of the bdla on 7 April 2017 in Erfurt. Adoption of the Erfurt Declaration on Green Infrastructure in Town and Country.

Press releases · 26. April 2017

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International conference Metropolitan open space

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Open Spaces in the Growing City. 18 May to 21 May 2017 in Berlin

Press releases · 05. April 2017

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Nominated for the German Landscape Architecture Award 2017

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Jury to decide on First Prize and Awards from 30 nominations on 28 April 2017

Press releases · 22. March 2017

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German Building Owner Award 2018 announced

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High quality of the open spaces and consideration of the urban green are also evaluated. bdla is co-publisher.

Press releases · 03. March 2017

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1st bdla Plant Planner Days 2017 - Successful event kick-off on 17 and 18.2. in Freising

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The bdla Planting Planner Days took place for the first time on 17 and 18 February 2017, at the Schafhof in Freising. The location was appropriately chosen, as it was a model estate with a fruit tree nursery from 1819/20, which was to establish exemplary farming methods in the region.

Press releases · 01. March 2017

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metropolitan open space @ IGA 2017

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International conference from 18 to 21 May 2017 in Berlin by Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, IGA Berlin 2017 GmbH and bdla

Press releases · 28. February 2017

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Update 2017. new law and current tasks of environmental planning

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Conference of BMUB and bdla on 12 and 13 May 2017 in Potsdam

Press releases · 19. January 2017

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