
bdla in the future arena at the 17th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy

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The bdla will be present at the National Urban Development Policy Congress in Heidelberg on September 17 and 18, 2024. The event organized by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building together with the Conference of Building Ministers of the Federal States, the Association of German Cities and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities will be held under the motto "Cooperation in urban development - alliances for the common good".

On the second day, Wednesday, September 18, so-called "future arenas" will take place. One of these, entitled "Together for the city center - moving more in cooperation", will be held by Timo Herrmann, Vice President of the bdla, and Franz Reschke, Associate Member of the bdla Executive Committee. In tandem, the two will give keynote speeches on the multifunctional recoding of everyday urban spaces and traffic-dominated locations using the examples of the new designs Am Harras in Munich and Blücherplatz in Spenge.

This will be followed by thematic tours of Heidelberg city center, including one with Daniel Lindemann, bdla member and office owner of GDLA | gornik denkel | landschaftsarchitektur partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbb, Heidelberg. His guided tour is entitled "A round railroad city - urban, climate-resilient stepping stones in open spaces".

The topic of green inner cities and the revitalization of city centers is also the cover story in the association's current magazine, for which Federal Building Minister Geywitz wrote the editorial.

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